This advent season we are looking at how God is With Us and what exactly that brings us.
Read Luke 2:8-20 in preparation.
“Jesus gives us all we need for joy…someone to love, something to do,
and something to hope for!”
- Asil Treblig
God with us gives JOY...
Joy comes to everyone. (vs. 8,10)
· The ordinary
· The ________________________
Joy comes to us. (v.9)
· God takes the initiative
· God meets us where we are.
Joy comes to us in Christ. (v.11)
· Not in our circumstances.
· Not in worldly things.
Joy comes to change our life. (v.17)
1. Recall a time when you were especially joyful?
2. Read Psalm 43:4. What does this verse tell us about joy?
3. Read 1Thes.2:17-20 and 3 John 4. What is the source of glory and joy?
How can we be that to each other?
4. Read 1Thes.5:16? How can we be “joyful always?”
5. Write down a few things that we have from or in Christ that we will never lose that
should bring us joy. Meditate on those things and see if a smile wont come to your face!