Read Matthew 20:29-34
“There are a lot of things we may want from Jesus… but what is it that we really need? Now that’s the real question.” ~Asil Treblig
Jesus is still asking us that question today! Cry out, from your heart…
Jesus hears our cries.
Jesus rewards persistence.
Jesus wants us to see.
Jesus always gives graciously.
Jesus, give me eyes to see. To see you in everything. Capture my heart, so I will see everything from your perspective.
I need to see my pains, heartaches, and struggles—not as something to get over, but as providences to grow through.
I need to see time as a gift to be stewarded, and all my resources as the currency of grace, not as the basis of my security.
I need to see myself hidden in you, delighted in by you, and being kept for you.
I need to see others—all others, as you see them, with eyes of compassion, mercy, and grace.
I need to see this world as passing away, and the reality of your Kingdom becoming more and more clear.
And I can’t wait to see you Jesus, face to face. Amen