Read 1 Samuel Chapter 1
“The rain falls on everyone… but God always provides His umbrella of grace to everyone who would open" it ~Asil Treblig
Hannah was a woman of God. Here are a few things that made her so…
Hannah’s Pain. (v.2,6,7)
Hannah’s Perseverance. (v.3,7)
Hannah’s Plea. (vv.10)
Hannah’s Promise. (v.11)
Hannah’s Provision. (v.20)
Remember a painful time in your life. How did God graciously show up?
Read Romans 5:1-5. How does perseverance help through pain and suffering?
Read Psalms 34:17; 50:15; 56:9. What insights do we gain from these verses?
Read Eccl. 5:4-6; Dt. 23:21-23. What do these verses say about vows?
If you made a vow to God do you have the integrity to keep it? If not what can you do about that?