(1 Peter 1:6-9)
“God didn’t spare his own son from trials...why would he spare you?" -Asil Treblig

1. Trials are normal this side of eternity.
- They are transitory.
- They are necessary.
- They are painful.
Trials are here so…
2. Our faith may be strengthened.
3. Our faith may be productive.
Going Deeper Questions
1. Remember a time in your own life where you went through a trial. Explain in your own words why a loving God would allow trials to happen.
2. How can we experience joy through trials when trials are often painful and difficult.
3. Read James 1:2-4. According to these verses what do trials bring about, how do you get there, and why isn’t there a shortcut?
4. Can you think of a biblical character that didn’t experience some sort of trial? Name a few that you know went through some and what was the outcome?