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  • Writer's pictureHaven Church

Epic: Stories from the past for today... "The 300"

Read Judges 6-8

The account of Gideon shouldn’t surprise us, God always takes a few and accomplishes a lot.” ~Asil Treblig

God rescues and uses us when we…

  1. Cry out to God. (v.6:7)

  2. See ourselves as God does. (v.6:12)

  3. Trust in God’s calling. (v.6:14)

  4. Acknowledge our weakness. (v. 6:15)

  5. Believe what God can do. (v.6:16; 7:22)

  6. Give God all the glory. (v.8:23)

  1. Remember a time when you felt unworthy or ill equipped to be used by God. Explain.

  2. Read Judges 6 again. Why do you think Gideon needed such reassurance that God was sending him and that God would come through?

  3. In Judges 6 list the ways that God reassures Gideon and what does this say about God and His character?

  4. In what ways have you needed reassurance from God? Do you still need it? What more would He have to do?

  5. In what ways is God calling you to step out, in the faith you have, and trust Him? Are you doing it? Why or why not?



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