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Niki Kelley

Unstoppable: In Christ... For the Kingdom

2 Colossians 12:1-10

“We can no more live in the Kingdom without Christ, as a fish can live outside of water.” ~Asil Treblig

Life in the Kingdom requires us to be in Christ. And…

1. In Christ we have a new nature. (vv.1-5)

“Our new nature from God is worth boasting about.”

2. In Christ we have modeled humility. (v.6)

“The true measure of a person in Christ is in their godly life and witness to Jesus Christ.”

3. In Christ we have our own thorns. (vv.7,8)

“God uses trials and hardships in life to keep us humble and draw us to himself.”

4. In Christ we have all sufficient grace. (v.9a)

“Experiencing God’s grace through hardships is better than having no hardships at all.”

5. In Christ we have his glory to show-off.

“Joy comes as Christ is shown off in our weakness through hardships, trials and difficulties.”


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