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  • Writer's pictureHaven Church

Theology 101: God Is... So, We Are... (9.3)

Read Ephesians 2:19-22

“I will be a piece of rubble in God’s building project anytime…But the thing is I am not rubble, but a masterfully hewn stone fitted just right for the Masters use.” ~Asil Treblig

God is… gracious, peaceful, full of goodness, generous, sovereign, loving, inclusive, relational, forgiving, all-knowing, all-powerful, a promise keeper, glorious, merciful, just, peaceful and…

1. The Master Builder.

So, in Christ we are… saints, full of faith, immeasurably blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, wise, understanding, hopeful, heirs with Christ, sealed with the Holy Spirit, a reflector of God’s glory, saved, unified and…

2. Built up and members of God’s Kingdom.

3. Built up and members of God’s growing family.

4. Built up and growing as God’s temple.

  1. Remember a time when you were part of something that was really important to you?

  2. Read John 18:36; and Matthew 3:2; 5:3; 6:33; 11:11 What are some characteristics of the Kingdom of God?

  3. How would you describe the Church and how do you become a member?

  4. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16. What do these verses say about us and the temple?

  5. Are you living out of this world, according to Kingdom norms, or are you still stuck in this world? What changes need to be made to fully live for God and His Kingdom?



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