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Sunday @ 11:30 AM The Cure (Pastor Craig)
The Cure: What if God isn't who you think He is and neither are you?
Registration is Closed
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Time & Location
Starting January 24
Haven Church, 5350 North Sprinkle Road, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
The Cure gives the diagnosis of this century’s religious obsession with sin-management. It has poisoned the Church, obscuring the Original Good News and sending millions away, wounded, angry and cynical, from nearly any organized expression of faith. The Cure offers an authentic experience in Christ that frees some from a self-rewarded righteousness, and others from a beaten down striving for a righteousness they can never seem to attain. The Cure infuses a relational theology of grace and identity, which alone can heal, free and create sustainable, genuine, loving, life-giving communities.
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