Pickleball Tournament Registration
Join us for a fun and laid back mixed doubles Pickle Ball Tournament for all ages and abilities on April 13, 2019 from 9:00-5:00. Help Support our 2019 Katuba Trip Team, want more information about Katuba? Check out this video https://vimeo.com/276916205 or visit http://katuba.hopechest.org

Time & Location
Apr 08, 2019, 12:00 AM
Haven Church, 5350 North Sprinkle Road, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Join us for a fun and laid back mixed doubles Pickle Ball Tournament for all ages and abilities on April 13, 2019 from 9:00-5:00.
You can register as a mixed team ($30) or as an individual ($15) and we will put you on a team. We are uniquely defining mixed to allow for a broader range of players. So if you want to have a same-gendered "mixed" team there must be at least a 25 year age difference between the two team members.
Registration closes on 4/7/19 at midnight and the brackets will be set and your match times sent to you via email by 4/10/19. We will have a brief opening ceremony before matches begin on the 13th that everyone is encouraged to attend. There will be prizes for the first and second place teams while all other funds will be going to support summer activities for our kids in Katuba. If you have any questions please feel free to contact tournament director Kevin Platte at kplatte@haven-church.org.
If you want to have a same-gendered "mixed" team there must be at least a 25 year age difference between the two team members.
We will put you on a team.
$15.00Sale ended